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Snuza Hero MD Breathing

Snuza Hero MD Breathing Monitor

Regular price R 1,499.00 R 0.00

Snuza® HeroMD baby monitor is the world's first medically certified baby breathing monitor. It is a wearable device which attaches to your baby's nappy and monitors your baby’s breathing. The HeroMD detects the slightest of breaths and will alert you if breathing is weak or less than eight breaths per minute. If the Snuza® HeroMD detects no breathing for 15 seconds it will vibrate in an effort to rouse your baby to resume breathing. Often the vibration is enough to rouse the infant and HeroMD will revert to monitoring mode. However, after three vibration/rousing incidents, a Rouse Warning will alert you that breathing has stopped for 15 seconds on three occasions. If an additional 5 seconds of no breathing is detected a sharp audible alarm will sound.

The Snuza® HeroMD can pick up external movements and it is therefore not guaranteed for co-sleeping babies or when bed-sharing. Snuza monitors are not guaranteed to work when the baby is in motion, e.g. in a car seat or a stroller.

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